Strawberry Frosting

Makes 1.5 cups

4 Tbsp softened butter

1 cup homemade powdered sugar with truvia or swerve powdered sugar-free

1 cup freeze-dried strawberries

2-4 Tbsp milk

1. In a food processor with blade attachment, pulse freeze-dried strawberries to powder. Set aside.

2. In the bowl of a stand mixer beat butter a little to fluff. Add in the blended strawberry powder and powdered sugar. Mixture will be dry. Slowly add in 2 Tbsp of milk at a drizzle to a good spreadable consistency. Add more milk if necessary. Only add a little at a time to just get to right spreadable consistency. You don’t want to add too much a have a runny frosting. Spread on cookies, cake, or cupcakes!

Homemade Powered Sugar

Makes 2 cups

1 cup Truvia granulated sugar Stevia, divided

1 Tbsp cornstarch, divided

1. In bowl of food processor, or blender place ½ cup of granulated Truvia~Stevia, and ½ Tbsp of Cornstarch. Blend at high speed for a few seconds. Stop blender or processor.

2. Tap top of blender lid or processor to tap down and settle powder. Carefully check to make sure all granules are now powder. Repulse/blend if necessary.

3. Repeat with remaining ½ cup of Truvia & ½ Tbsp of cornstarch. Store in an air-tight container.

Honey Marshmallow Cream

Makes approx. 8oz

2 tsp Meringue Powder*

2 Tbsp Room temperature filtered water

½ Cup raw honey

¼ tsp vanilla salt or kosher salt

¾ cup homemade truvia/stevia powdered sugar or Swerve powdered sugar

2 tsp vanilla

1. In bowl of a stand mixer, stir together meringue powder and filtered water to blend. Add in honey,  and salt.

2. Beat on high for approximately 5 minutes, or until glossy, thick, and holds its shape off the drizzle.

3. Reduce speed to low, blend in powdered sugar, scraping down bowl as necessary.

4. Add in vanilla, blending just to combine into crème. Use immediately or cover and refrigerate to use within 1 week, or freeze for a later use.

Marshmallow Cream Frosting

Makes approx. 2 cups

1 cup softened butter

2 cups home-made powdered sugar

1 batch of honey marshmallow cream (see link for marshmallow cream recipe)

1 tsp vanilla

1. Blend butter and powdered sugar together in a mixer.

2. Add marshmallow cream and vanilla in the same mixer bowl and blend again. Can be used for many things, including oatmeal whoopie pies. Enjoy!